Monday, October 20, 2008



WWW, October 2008 - It's a fact, that not all Dubroom visitors and readers are interested in all things that the Dubroom puts out. That's why there are now 10 different site feeds and mailing lists. Read all about it in the tenth episode of Dubroom In-Site!

(DUB) Reggae and Consciousness. The Dubroom attracts people who are looking for music, and people who are looking for information. And even though the statistics make it quite clear that most of the readers and visitors are -kinda- interested in both, there is a group with a more specific interest.

It doesn't happen often, but sometimes this site receives feedback from people who do not really like to be confronted with contents they didn't ask for. One can think of someone who is just interested in the music and not in digging into the lyrics so to speak, but it can also be the other way around.

If it were only that, one could say, well, just skip stuff you don't like. Which is usually the case. But there's something else, too.

Thus far, the Dubroom had only one mailing list and site feed: Dubroom Online, with the latest reviews and articles all in one e-mail. In this list, everyone gets something but not enough.

This is now changed.

No, the main list won't change at all. Those who are subscribed will not have to do anything. It's just, that a total of nine lists have been added to which you can subscribe via email or via your browser by the means of site-feeds.

All of this could be done, because of four new Dubroom Weblogs each of which has two different feeds: the postings and the comments. Here's a list of all our blogs (links open in a new window): The blogs have been created in these last weeks. Currently, older material is posted along with the new but that process is entering a final phase. So it could be, that if you subscribe now allready, you might find a few older items in your in-box too. This is especially the case with the reviews.

Anyway, most of the work is done: the feeds and lists all work automatically and should function properly. Click HERE for the Feeds or Click HERE for the Mailing Lists.

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