"Are UFO's Real?", is a question that used to be asked by especially those people that had never seen one. Those who had seen UFO's, more often than not were too afraid to even share their experience as most people would ridicule them.
And of course, there still are a lot of people who think that UFO's "don't exist".
However, with the free flow of information that came with the Internet, this is gradually changing. Polls reveal that most people will "believe in UFO's", that is: believe in the existance of the things.
The question has become: "what are these things?"...
In this video we are being introduced to the whole matter of UFO's in just over 1 1/2 hour. Widely considered to be one of the best video's out there on the topic, UFO's: THE GREATEST STORY EVER DENIED will be a real challenge to the skeptics out there.
But it's not just for the skeptics.
The video will absolutely proof to be quite informative for those people that do "believe in UFO's" as well, as the makers dig really deep.
We will see Craft and Critters: Flying Saucers and Flying Serpents. We will see credible witnesses: Astronauts, Military Personell, and Scientists.
We will see DENIAL.
We will see, how the governments of the world have carefully tried to cover up the existance of UFO's for reasons that can only be speculated about.
The cover-up itself, however, is kind of really clear.
The video shows us how the cover-up came into existance, and was subsequently perpetuated into the next generations.
We will also see flying serpents, or "rods" as they are called too. It's actually quite interesting to see people describing them, explaining them, in exactly the same way as the Bible describes them, too.
Supernatural entities, that are usually outside of our visible realm and can only be seen with infra-red camera's, although people are reported to have seen them with their physical eyes too.
The "rods", or flying serpents, are not the only "forms of life" the video shows us. As we move from the atmosphere to space, we will see stuff that is even more enigmatic.
Why are the governments covering this up?
A number of retired NASA and military people come into the picture, as they openly discuss what they have seen: there is intervention from other dimensions, related to the military industrial complex, and "we the people" are not to be informed...
They talk about crashes of the craft. They talk about beings in the craft. They talk about having contact with these beings, as they tempt the governments with technology of every kind.
The makers of the video are evidently quite impressed by the technology that the so-called aliens are offering. Dreams of "free energy" and exaltations of other "technological advancements" form
Obviously, the ancient Book of Enoch comes to mind, that speaks about the Watchers as they provided technology to the leaders in the days of Noah, the days before the Flood.
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who takes the ancient accounts as serious as the evidence provided in this video compels the viewer of the reality of supernatural beings in contact with the governments of the world.
The video gives clear evidence of the existance of these beings and their crafts, as well as the communication they have with the governments of this world. Clear evidence that these beings are flying around in our air, and in space around the earth, even though many times they are unvisible for the naked eye.
So it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who takes the Bible serious either, as there is a clear mention in the Book of Books how the Powers Of The Air are really the Rulers of This World...
The video also takes us to the ancient ruins on earth and beyond...
Ancient ruins on the Moon, on Mars, giving evidence supporting the idea that "once upon a time" there were "civilizations" which have been destroyed ever since.
It turns out, that there are many similarities between the ruins as well.
Too much similarities between the ancient accounts and the incredible stories in the video. Incredible, but not really that incredible either...
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