Dubroom Online - December 13, 2008
WWW, December 13 2008 - This last year, I have been using the space for my column in the editions of Dubroom Online, to basically share what I know about Mystery Babylon.
It was the major project, this year.
In 200 episodes, I tried to write an introduction to a matter that requires knowledge about ancient history, mind control, spiritual things and of course the runnings of the world today.
The reason why I did it, in the first place, was a private one. I wrote it for someone very special to me, who has been feeling Babylon's downpression from birth.
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards and/or Weblogs.

WWW, December 2008 - They're announced as the best vocal group of the year, and subsequently Mikal Rose, Puma Jones and Duckie Simpson enter stage with Sly and Robbie to proof the statement fact.

A rarity for Messian Dread music: this track only contains the full lyrics and although there's mixing going on, no Dub in this one.
44.100 Khz 16 Bit Wave Audio - 320Kbit MP3