Dubroom Online - Edition June 7, 2008
WWW, June 7 2008 - Con-fusion: mixing that which should not be mixed. It is Babylon's specialty, for she is not called "Confusion" for nothing.
What is presented as the Gateway To (the) God(s), turns out to be nothing else but a spiritual form of fornication, for is fornication not also the unity of two persons that should not become one in the first place?
So, Babylon is not only called "Confusion". She is also presented as the "Mother of Harlots" by the Very Same One Who revealed her true identity in the first place.
By mixing that which should not be mixed, she is committing a spiritual form of fornication with all those that are willing to pay the price.
With terrible results, that is.
For Babylon is not just called Confusion and Mother of All Harlots. There is yet a third description provided to us by the Most High, as we see "Mystery Babylon, Mother of all harlots and abominations".
The result of Babylon's fornication, her con-fusions, are "children" in the form of abominations.
Jah Willing, in the coming days, we will meditate deeper on this matter. Revelation is a Must!
More on June 8...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards.

WWW, June 2008 - The people behind Stop that Train know how to be creative with the drum and bass driven music that they present on their excellent Podcasts. Download another episode of this blessed piece of work, destined to uplift the heart and soul of everyone who feels it!

WWW, June 2008 - Also known as the Herbalist, Chezidek calls pon the World Leaders to finally install some justice and equality and he does it in a Roots Rock Reggae style.