Dubroom Online - December 28, 2008
WWW, December 28 2008 - In 2008, a lot of ground work was laid for the future, and so, evaluating this year is looking to the foundation.
First of all, that Foundation is JAH Rastafari, the Most High, or Yesus Kristos as I call Him. He has made everything possible and is the Foundation for everything that I and I do.
Within Reggae Music Culture, praising the Most High is not an offense to most, but there are ones who most definitely would like to keep Jah, or God, out of the music.
Even Satan come to divide Reggae and even Rasta Culture in his most cunning ways. But Reggae, through the very nature of the music, shows without a doubt who says on the solid foundation.
So without apology, our first thanks and even praises go out to the One and Only, the Alpha and the Omega, Yesus Kristos, Jah Rastafari!
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards and/or Weblogs.

On a number of occasions, the hard stepping Drum and Bass line are in direct contact with some pretty weird echo's sounding like cutting swords in the seed of the serpent.
The Sword of the Sprit pictured in militant DUB Style, on a Steppers Riddim with standard instrumentation and a penetrating siren as I and I Dub de serpents out of town!

WWW, December 2008 - Are UFO's real and do the governments of the world know more than they care to admit through their official channels? When this movie turns out to be real, the answer to both questions must be "yes".