WWW, February 2008 - Posting on the Dubroom Message Boards is definitely not for the weakhearts, especially not when you focus on the study and meditation of spiritual topics. You might just find someone stealing your name in order to spread the opposite of where you stand for.In May 2006, that's almost 2 years ago, one member of the Dubroom Messageboards adopted a name that was -to say the least- very original. Ever since, RoshTovAri used this name to post his thoughtful meditations and contributions on a number of websites.
The name RoshTovAri is obviously a sign of respect to Rastafari and to what could loosely be called "Messianic believes" as the phrase goes in certain circles. It's quite an original name, and the chances that someone would come up with the same name are kind of low.
So far, so good...
Just recently, though, RoshTovAri -a student of the Holy Scriptures and it's culture- found out how his name had been hijacked and not just that. He found out, just how his name is even used to spread quite the opposite of what the original RoshTovAri stands for!
Reasons enough to check this out a little deeper, reasons enough for the Dubroom to Ring The Alarm as well.
After doing some in-depth research, the real RoshTovAri found out how the person that hijacked his name fits the description of an
agent-provocateur more than anything else. Not only does this person write things that the original RoshTovAri would never write, he also does it in the name of "Orthodox Judaism".
A look to the picture that the agent-provocateur uses on several websites reveals even more. It's a rather frightening picture of a "Ninja" threatening to throw Stars of David at anyone who takes a look.

Here we obviously have a man-on-a-mission and that mission seems to be to create confusion between those that claim to be Orthodox Jews and those who are of the Messianic belief, as the phrase goes to describe ones like the real RoshTovAri.
Apart from posting on websites that clearly state how no one of that Messianic faith is welcome to post, in other words, websites where the real RoshTovAri would never post, he is also very active on YouTube where we can find him using foul language in writing his comments on things about Yeshuah Mashiach (Yesus Kristos, Jesus Christ) like "Schmuck" and "Nut" and even tells people to (quote) "die"...
On other websites, the agent-provocateur claims to be an Orthodox Jew, which makes it even more bizarre. Why would an "Orthodox Jew" adopt a name that is clearly Messianic? Of course, on the Internet "anyone" could claim to be "anything". However, the fact that this individual posts on websites that in their turn claim to be Orthodox Jewish as well, does raise questions.
Further research by the real and original RoshTovAri revealed, how this imitator has been using the name-that-is-not-his' since may 2007. That's about a year after the real RoshTovAri adopted the name for himself first on the Dubroom Messageboards and later on a number of other websites as well.
In an in-depth exposure on the Dubroom Message Boards, the real RoshTovAri sounded the alarm bell and provided all the necessary evidence to reveal how this is indeed a serious situation.
Beware of Imitators, especially when they clearly have a reason to do so!