Dubroom Online - Edition February 23, 2008
WWW, February 23 2008 - When we take a look at the American One Dollar bill, we read how the year 1776 is connected with the Novus Ordos Seclorum, or in normal English: the New World Order.
It's the year in which the United States of America was officially launched, and it was also the year wherein a secret society was formed called "The Illuminati", or in normal English: the Enlightened Ones.
One of the "Founding Fathers" of the entity called "United States of America " was a guy called Francis Bacon. He wrote a book about it called "The New Atlantis", in which he shared his "enlighted" view on the entity he helped create on land that was not his.
Enlightened is also the eye that is depicted just above the missing Head Corner Stone of the Great Pyramid in Egypt which you can also find on that same One Dollar bill.
Initiates and adepts of Mystery Babylon will see their god depicted in that eye. We know him as the "Light Bearer" or... Lucifer!
More tomorrow...
Give Thanks, One Love,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
Saturday, February 23, 2008