Dubroom Online - December 21, 2008
WWW, December 21 2008 - When the whole year of 2008 would be described when it comes to the Dubroom in one word, it would be: deepening.
Things became deeper: a series of columns that described the basics of Mystery Babylon, some crucial releases that were not produced in the Dubroom Studio, and some in-depth discussions and reasonings on the Dubroom Message Boards.
Things became more steady, too. These last years had been kind of full with new activities and experiments, many of which didn't provide the result we would have loved, but when you never try you never get anything at all anyway.
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards and/or Weblogs.

From December 15 to December 25, we will presenting the debut album of Heartical. Click on the cover to check out more about this DUB journey extraordinaire where the Bass goes deep into hyperspace.
44.100 Khz 16 Bit Wave Audio - 320Kbit MP3
44.100 Khz 16 Bit Wave Audio - 320Kbit MP3