WWW, September 2007 - In a very open and heartfelt interview, Zeph E Daniel tells about his life as the survivor of (elite) Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and exposes the mechanisms that keep Babylon system running.
Zeph E Daniel was born into an elite family in Los Angeles, somewhere in the 1950's. His family included members of the Bohemian Club. Zeph grew up around famous people, children around him were destined to become the movers and shakers in a large portion of (American) society.
However, in order to become "one of them", become part of the system, you have to go through a certain kind of programming. Even further: you have to have a certain kind of mind-set. A mind-set that includes the practice of Satanic Rituals, which are just to bloody perverse to mention.
What happens if you are born in such a family, but you are simply unwilling to go along with the system? Even unable?
The answer can be found by listening to Zeph E Daniel's life story. It is the story of a survivor, who lived to tell about the very mechanisms that keep Babylon System running.
He had to face imprisonment, torture, rape, mind control, survived a coma and other attempts at his life. Until this very day, he has to deal with the fruits of the evil that was done to him.
In a very open and profound interview with the host of the "Nowhere To Run" Radio Show on the American Revere Radio Network, it becomes clear that it is quite remarkable Zeph E Daniel even lived to tell.
Babylon System works on the blood of the sufferers. No, it's not just horny pedophiles. There's a complete mechanism behind it, a technical reason and working method. Satanic Rituals have exactly the same reason and purpose. what happens at places like Bohemian Grove, is nothing but a "power plant" to maintain the system.
The interview is revealing, as it exposes the true nature of what many of us just know as "the elite". The "movers and shakers" turn out to be nothing but slaves themselves, slaves to supernatural entities we know as demons, aliens, fallen angels.
Obviously, the connection with these supernatural entities include UFO's. After all, Babylon's ultimate goal is to create a "New World Order": a re-enactment of the "Days of Noah" or "Atlantis".
A must-listen for everyone who is even remotely interested in the mechanisms behind Babylon System!