Dubroom Online - December 1, 2008
WWW, December 1 2008 - I tried for about seven years, to REFORM BABYLON.
I privately contacted the man who is now calling himself the founder of the "Gospel Reggae Industry", and provided him with the evidence that proofed him wrong in his public statement about Rastafari.
Remember, I am talking about someone who is quoted in the Christian Media as saying that "among Rastafarians it is an honor to kill people who disagree with them".
In the years that I wasted trying to proof the obvious to him, people were associating him and me and in fact are associating us until this very day.
It took me seven years to discover that I was trying to REFORM BABYLON when I thought that the "Christian Reggae Scene" could be a good influence in helping Christian becoming aware of Babylon Shitstem.
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards and/or Weblogs.

WWW, November 2008 - Except for an excellent Mad Professor release, Roots Reggae Mix Volume One is a hard hitting Rub a Dub Showcase that you can't afford to miss out!

WWW, November 2008 - In 1993, Luciano introduced himself to the people of the world, and to JAH, with an impressive musical track and video clip.
This is it.