Dubroom Online - Edition February 17, 2008
WWW, February 17 2008 - When JAH revealed the blueprint of what we have come to know as "world history" to the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, He described how in the end "they" would "mingle with the seed of men".
Ages before that, just after Adam and Eve committed the original sin, JAH gave another prophecy that has very much to do with this very same matter: there would be a war between the "seed of men" and the "seed of the serpent".
We have come to see, for example in the Ethiopian books of Enoch and the Kebra Negast, how the "seed of the serpent" refers to beings that were the direct offspring of Reptilian entities who "married" human women.
The very existence of these Nephilim or Gibborim became a threat for the very existence of mankind and thus cause the Most High to send the Great Flood.
After the Great Flood, we find Nimrod who became one of the Gibborim. Nimrod was the first of the Serpent Seed who claimed the "Divine Right To Rule" and thus created a "Royal Bloodline" that rules Babylon Shitstem until this very day.
More tomorrow...
Give Thanks, One Love,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
Sunday, February 17, 2008