Dubroom Online - October 15, 2008
WWW, October 15 2008 - You can't be called out of Babylon, if you're not In Deh. You can't be called out of Babylon, unless the One Who calls you out knows that you're not part of her.
These two things are essential to realize for each and everyone who knows themselves to be called out of Babylon and desires to do so.
Many people don't even reach thus far, as they cannot accept the fact that they themselves have been initiated more or less into the Mystery that is Babylon.
They use the word "Babylon" as a cuss word, to call each other names, and refuse to dig deeper into the real nature of the mystery.
But fortunately, there are also many who know themselves to be initiated into the Mystery, more or less, and want to step out of her.
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards.

WWW, October 2008 - Where Reggae is mostly a studio music, there are several Reggae Bands touring the world with legendary tour status. Misty in Roots is not the least of them, as this video registration of a concert in the Holy Land clearly shows.

WWW, October 2008 - After a rather long break, October 15 marks the date in which the Dubroom will again be updated daily. In the meantime, several new weblogs have been created in order to serve the Dubroom visitors and readers more efficiently.