Dubroom Online - Edition February 20, 2008
WWW, February 20 2008 - People who have at least a little bit of sense when it comes to righteousness and truth, oppose the current war against (the people of) Iraq.
It seems like in the first place, this war is waged because of oil. After all, the original military name of the war was Operation Iraqi Liberation (O.I.L.).
But there is much more to this war, which has to do directly with Mystery Babylon and the return of the Days of Noah or "Atlantis" as the popular name goes.
Close to the capital of Iraq, Baghdad, we can find the location of the Tower of Babel. This very same location is also described in the Apocalypse.
It is the location of the bottomless pit, the abyss, where JAH has imprisoned the spirits who were responsible for creating the situation in the Days of Noah that caused JAH to send the Great Flood.
More tomorrow...
Give Thanks, One Love,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008