WWW, August 2020 - It's been quite a while since there was any update on the Dubroom website. Quite a while since a new episode of Dubroom In-Site could be written, but finally here it is: Dubroom In-Site Number Thirty-Seven! Good news for music collectors, and for Truth seekers alike. Let's get started, shall we?
What on earth are favicons, other than a multiple of one favicon? Well, it's one of these things you see when you visit a website. It's on top of your browser, a little picture next to the url. It looks like this:

WWW, August 2020 - The Dubroom website physically hosts quite a number of mp3 albums and tracks released under Creative Commons copyright. This basically means that the music may be re-distributed provided no money is made, the music left intact and the creators credited. And so it is done here at the Dubroom.
Just this month, the Dubroom webmaster went through all the links at mp3.dubroom.org again only to find a lot of dead links. Sure, that's because the Dubroom links to music hosted at other websites and these websites do sometimes change their content or worse, disappear from the web. That's where music released under Creative Commons copyright is such a blessing, because it enables the Dubroom to physically host the music on it's own server so that the music will continue to be available, even when the original sources disappear.
Now, as an extra service, all this material can now be downloaded from one place, the mp3.dubroom.org Creative Commons Archives. Nicely divided between single tracks and albums, everything sorted alphabetically as well, you can download the music at your leisure and enjoy the vibes.
Please, pay respect to the Creative Commons copyright idea. This means, that the music is offered to you for free and you are free to pass it on as well, provided that you do not ask any money for it, do not change the contents of the music and the zip files and pay credit to the original artists and producers that created the works.
Additionally, the Dubroom Net Label also hosts quite a bit of musical works, some even in WAVE format. You might want to check that out as well, as we've released quite a bit of music in various styles from analogue Roots Reggae to digital Dubwise and much more. And last but not least, we've dug up some lo-fi Dubroom Radio shows you might like. Or not.
Hopefully you like this extra service to help you get some of the best that mp3.dubroom.org has reviewed. Enjoy!
And this...
On top of the Creative Commons albums and single tracks downloads, there's a third download page. This page contains links to albums that have vanished because the websites that offered the free downloads have vanished. You can now find much the music scattered over YouTube on channels that upload all kinds of musical works, but not anymore as free mp3 download. So in order to serve the collectors of free and legal mp3's, the Dubroom's server now also hosts that music. We do so since it was offered for free and is no longer available, but under the condition that as soon as we get a message from the original sources to take something off-line, it will be taken off-line
The Churchianity Observer

Another significant part of the Dubroom has to deal with the faith. The faith in Yesus, in Jah. That's a faith in Him and thus not a faith in, well, let's say Babylon or the many things that are done in the name of "Christianity". A faith, the faith, in Yesus Kristos the Saviour of all mankind.
And that's something completely different than being part of some religion or some system that claim Yesus but is far from it. Let's call that "Churchianity". How much the Dubroom has researched and documented this, from the thorough investigation of the Christafari Cult to many other, broader things, resulting in the crc.dubroom.org website.
All of this was, and still is, a service for Truth seekers. Yet the name "Center for Research on Christianity" is regrettable. Christianity can be seen as the Body of Kristos, the collective of all believers in Him regardless of anything else. There's no One researching that other than back biters and haters of Kristos.
So we move on.
The CRC has now been replaced by the Churchianity Observer and can be found at co.dubroom.org.
Yes, he knows the word "church" ("Called Out Ones") in it's essence refers to that very same Body of Kristos but only in the original language. When we think of the word "church", we see that system. When we think of the word "Christianity", we can also think of Christ, Kristos.
There is no need to watch the flock of Jah. Jah watches over His flock.
There is every need to see just what is done with the Message of the Gospel, how the Church-and-State System functions, what they say to the flock, and much more .
Observing Churchianity.
When you love Truth, love Yesus, want to equip yourself not to get into stupidity, observe along with the Churchianity Observer. Here's a small introduction to co.dubroom.org:
WWW, August 2020 - After several years of hardly any activity on the Dubroom website, here is the Churchianity Observer. An introduction.
Almost two decades ago the Dubroom founded the "Christafari Research Center", a website aimed at providing extra research material to the two books Dubroom editor Messian Dread wrote about this "Gospel Reggae Band". Later the "CRC" changed it's name into "Center for Research on Christianity", providing a more broad perspective on "Babylon Sponsored Christianity".
And now there is the Churchianity Observer, the follow-up for the CRC.
Basically the Churchianity Observer has a YouTube Channel where all kind of interesting and relevant material is gathered, a forum where you can interact about this very same material and more even without registration, and a research archive with downloadable stuff.
Although the Churchianity Observer is obviously very much against the false teachings and systems he exposes, but none of that comes out of an antichristian mind set. Quite the contrary! The only thing the Churchianity Observer wants to do is provide information to the members of the Body of Christ and other Truth seekers who seek to divide between true Christian Livity, a life of faith in Christ and the counterfeit systems of downpression that come in the Name of Kristos but in reality are ravenous wolves.
I hope you're not only informed, but also provided with something that you like, whether it's about the music or about consciousness. Feel free to comment to this update at the Dubroom Message Board (registration NOT required) or visit mp3.dubroom.org and/or co.dubroom.org.
One Love,
Messian Dread (Editor/Webmaster, Dubroom.org)