Dubroom Online - Edition July 16-23, 2008
WWW, July 16 2008 - One of the best ways to describe the process of stepping out of Babylon is by taking an example and trying to recognize the mechanisms.
"Christianity" is such an example. In fact, it is one of the best examples. And it starts with the name of the group of which the members know themselves to be a part: "Church".
Church, or "ecclesia", is more often than not understood to be a building, more often than not with a phallic symbol called "steeple" to represent it's authority of some sort.
But the real meaning of the word is: "the called out ones". The church, Christians, are supposed to be people who know themselves to be called out of Babylon. They know that they are literally called to step out of Babylon.
Babylon, however, claims that these buildings are "houses of god", the "churches". You must step in the shitstem (for tax deduction and government acknowledgment) and step in the building, in complete contradiction to the very meaning of the word church!
Now, what happens when people within the system start to smell that there's something rotten? "Church History" reveals how most have wanted to do nothing but "reform" Babylon rather than stepping out of her.
More on July 24...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
PS: It's summer time, and mysteriously I am led into the studio where I am making riddims and Dubs for release later this year, next month or so. This is the reason why the Dubroom isn't updated frequently.
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards.

In the "Sugar and Spice" tradition, this release contains two steppers tunes, each one with their own specific vibe. From an upfull Dub of Ireness, we go over to a much more militant and solid tune in almost eight minutes of Dub Niceness.
Free Download in 320kbps MP3 or even true CD Quality WAVE Audio!