Dubroom Online - October 24, 2008
WWW, October 24 2008 - Where so many, knowingly or not, follow Aleister Crowley's law which makes Hedonism the purpose of life, there are as many who are unable to step out of Babylon as they cannot even take that first step.
That step being, to admit to ourselves that we ourselves are initiated, we have to stop consider certain things as if they are part of ourselves, and these are not the things that usually always make us "feel bad".
It sounds so simple. After all, when you desire to step out of Babylon, is that not in itself a realization that you're actually in there?
Well, apparently not.
Let's take a few examples.
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards.

WWW, October 2008 - There's no specific reason for any of the selections in this one-hour Podcast, other than that they are Reggae and our host missed those tunes while he was out of town.
Why didn't he record them before going out? We can't tell you. But we're glad he didn't!

WWW, October 23 2008 - The Dubroom Webmaster would like to ask your attention concerning two issues with the Dubroom server, as Yahoo puts their mark where they shouldn't do it and fail to update material that should be updated!