Dubroom Online - November 22, 2008
WWW, November 22 2008 - When I accepted the invitation to join the "Christian Reggae Scene", I committed the sin of spiritual fornication with the Mystery.
I am ashamed over it: don't think it is easy to write this knowing that others will read it.
However, I have also learned a lot of mechanisms as I discovered just why Mystery Babylon is called the Mother of all Harlots (prostitutes), and just how this spiritual fornication takes place.
Even further: out of fornication can come a "child". In the case of Mystery Babylon, we speak about her "children" as "abominations".
So instead of beating myself on the head and feeling shame, I will use my own sin as an example of this spiritual fornication.
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards and/or Weblogs.

WWW, November 2008 - What would Reggae, what would DUB be without the female touch of our Sistren? Fortunately, we'll never know.
Therefore: a Tribute to the Sistren!

WWW, November 2008 - The UK has been a major outlet and breeding place for Reggae Music. Patterned after Bob Marley's success, the 1970's gave birth to countless of UK based Reggae bands and Aswad was one of them.