Dubroom Online - October 21, 2008
WWW, October 21 2008 - Many of us have been trained, conditioned, to take our own feelings as the highest source of information. This is a thing which has been carefully planted in society.
Actually, it's very old. there's even some academic word for it: Hedonism...
Hedonism is a way to keep whole populations under mental slavery, where these populations themselves think that they are free.
The most recent proponent of this was a man called Aleister Crowley. "Do what you will (feel), is the whole of the law", he wrote in a book that was dictated to him by some entity that looked remarkably similar to what is currently known as a "Grey Alien".
Aleister Crowley has a major influence on many of today's thinkers, from politicians to musicians and everything in between.
It is his parroting of the entity that came to him after he had some kind of ritual in the Great Pyramid (yeah, the one of the One Dollar Bill) which keeps many people today from breaking free from Babylon.
More Tomorrow...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards.

WWW, October 2008 - From Studio One to the current House studio's and online artists: everything DUB is in the fourth chapter of the excellent DUBSTA series. Once again, a deep deep excursion into DUB space.

WWW, October 2008 - Alpha and Omega love their audience enough to have their video technician create a clip around a tune even before it is officially release and they put it online for you and I to enjoy.