by Messian Dread

WWW, AUG 22/23 2007 - Bodyguards, a man beats a women, another man becomes agressive, the Star Artist makes kung-fu style kicks in the direction of a Dread just before he asks the complete audience on stage to protect him against the fire: welcome to another "great" performance of Christafari.
On august 22, Christafari held a concert in the "Destiny Church" in the Dutch city of Groningen. The Center for Research on Christianity (CRC) went to check out the spirits, and came back with a remarkable story.
Messian Dread reports.
When you're looking for a musical review of Christafari's concert, please don't read beyond the next few paragraphs. There really is not much to say about it, other than that Christafari is getting worse and worse each time I see them.
Besides, my brothers and me were not visiting the concert out of musical interests at all. We knew, that we would have to expect a terrible performance by a terrible band with a terrible sound in a terrible place, and we were not disappointed!

Of course, never go to a Christafari concert when you want to enjoy some good music. After all, it is carefully crafted in the laboratories of the Christian Industrial Complex and designed to serve as the "true Christian" alternative to "the ever enigmatic Messian Dread and Yabby You".
Not, that I want to compare myself musically with Yabby You. Yabby You is a true originator of Reggae Music and Christafari's Mark Mohr should be ashamed of himself that he talks about him and his musical clones as even being close to any "alternative" to Yabby You.
But it's not about the music at all, which is why this is not a musical review at all either.
It's about the spirits behind the music, that's why this is the report of a spiritual confrontation between spirits.
The Spirit behind Yabby You and Messian Dread's music, versus the spirits behind the music of the "true Christian" alternatives Christafari and Solomon Jabby.
The Spirit of the Most High JAH versus the spirits of the priests of Babylon.
The Spirit of the Most High JAH in His Temple, namely the bodies of those who are born of Spirit, versus the spirits of Baal in their temple.
And it would all take place on that one location, the city of Groningen in the Netherlands.
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