Dubroom (DUB) Reggae Video Review

WWW, October 2007 - Many people will credit U Roy to be the first Reggae MC, but I Roy was there right behind him. Here he performs -with band- for an enthusiastic audience.
Usually, an MC will chant on a Sound system on top of a pre-recorded track. Sirens and other sound effects are added, people dance and thing while the selector puts one tune after the other on the turntables.
The popularity of "Toasting" as this form of "Reggae Rapping" was officially called went Sky High. Especially after the concept crossed the musical border of Reggae with American styles like Hip Hop and Rap.
U Roy was said to be the first MC to rhythmically chant over the drum and bass driven rhythms, somewhere in the 1960's, but I Roy was right there behind him. He created hit after hit in the 1970's, many of them still considered to be classics until this day.
In this video, we hook up with I Roy somewhere in 1995. Performing with a band, interacting with the musicians and the audience, yes this is another piece of niceness that will brighten up your day.
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