Dubroom (DUB) Reggae Video Review

WWW, November 2007 - Claimed by the "Gospel Reggae" Industry as "one of their own", Stitchie makes it clear how he doesn't have to separate himself from Reggae Culture in order to be who he is.
It's a principal issue: do Reggae artists have to leave Reggae Culture when they are Christian?
Yes, says the "Gospel Reggae Industry".
This rather new branch of the Christian Industrial Complex was founded in the mid 1990's by an organization called "Christafari". They currently have their Head Quarters near Hollywood California, from where they cultivate and sell what they call "sanctified" Reggae.
Big business it is: when you know how to speak Christianese, you can wrap yourself up in a fancy Hollywood styled "Rasta Image" and become a "Gospel Reggae Star". However, you have to separate yourself from Reggae Culture, not to mention Rastafari Livity and Spirituality, in order get there.
Obviously, this an open and clear attempt by what is usually called Babylon System to break Reggae Culture and Rastafari Livity. And since it is done in the name of "Jesus" or "Christianity", the principal question on top of this review needs to be asked again.
It's a principal issue: do Reggae artists have to leave Reggae Culture when they are Christian?
Yes, says the "Gospel Reggae Industry".
NO!, says Stitchie. In an interview, he was quoted as saying:
- First of all, I need to make this very lucid that these artistes are all my friends and I’ve not lose contact with them because I’m now a born again Christian, if anything, I’m now enjoying even closer friendship with them. I freely received love from Jesus Christ so I’m giving it freely to everyone. This is the motive behind the concept of the video as it is of vital significance that as an Ambassador of Christ I demonstrate the love of Christ to all my fellow dancehall artistes and musicians. (SOURCE)
"Fast and Pray" is a very strong track by Stitchie, in which he appears together with some other "secular" dancehall artists, including the legendary King Yellowman himself. He tells them, that he will fast and pray for them and they give thanks for the blessing.
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