WWW, May 2008 - The building of the European Parliament is directly built after the Tower of Bab-el as painted by Brueghel. In a propaganda poster for the EU, pentagrams are added over the building.
Just in case you didn't know...
In an article recently reprinted for the Babylon Observer, archeologist Jonathan Gray refers to the building of the European Parliament and a propaganda poster for the European Union wherein Brueghel's Tower- of- Babel is obviously the foundation.
Below you can see the painting and the building. Click on the picture for a larger version.

In the poster below, you can see how the European Union is not ashamed to identify themselves either. Not only is the European Parliament depicted, hovering over the building are 11 pentagrams with the point down: a symbol of Satan or Lucifer, the Fallen Star.

According to some, the above poster is said to be denied for publication. Obviously, the reason for that is that Europe's self-identification is just a little bit to clear.
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