WWW, May 2008 -Every year, the global elite gather themselves to plan their next step in the game of global engineering. Every year, researchers do their best to find out where they gather.
Times Change...
Bilderberg 2008: we can read it from the official government websites while members of parliament ask questions. The Babylon Observer reports and translates official Dutch government statements.
A news item from the Dutch Foreign ministry website:
- Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende visits Washington DC
Press release 16-05-2008
Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende, together with Minister of Foreign Affairs Maxime Verhagen, will visit Washington, D.C. Thursday, June 5 to Sunday, June 8.
On Thursday, June 5, they will be received by President Bush at the White House. Topics to be discussed include the international political situation including developments in Afghanistan and the economic cooperation between the United States and the Netherlands.
Subsequently, the Prime Minister will participate in the annual Bilderberg conference, which this year will be held in Chantilly, VA., USA.
Well, what's the big deal? The Bilderberger conference is increasingly under public scrutiny. As many researchers uncover, year after year, just where this private gathering of the global elite takes place and who participates in what is an illegal conference, the governments of the world cannot keep it a secret anymore.
The conference was founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in the 1950's, with the intention to gather the rulers and presidents of multinationals, chief editors of the press and others in the world of Global Engineering together at a secret place where they can "say what they want" without having to "fear public scrutiny".
Decisions of a global nature are being made at these conferences. You will see future presidents of the USA, future ministers of European states, et cetera.
Members of the press are only invited when they shut up, and so, they will not mention what they hear. They join the corps and will deny even that there is such a thing as the Bilderberger Conference.
Until recently, that is.
Bilderberg 2008: We can read how Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende is going to visit George W. Bush and the annual Bilderberg Conference, which is to take place at Chantilly in the USA.
Unlike previous years, we don't read it of the website, main source for news concerning the conference, we read it straight of the website from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We could also have read it on the website of Harry van Bommel, a member of Dutch Parliament who has asked questions concerning the Bilderberg Conference.
Harry van Bommel writes (translation by Babylon Observer):
- According to reports in the international media, prime minister Balkenende will attend the mysterious Bilderberger conference early June. At these conferences, the problems of the world are discussed by political and business leaders. In secret. Earlier, also queen Beatrix too part in the conferences. Questions from my side concerning the nature of the gatherings were answered unsatisfactory. In spite of that, I deemed it necessary to ask questions now that the prime minister is going too. Obviously he is not there as a private person, but as the prime minister of the Netherlands. Subsequently, we should be able to know to what he's going to say there!
- 1. Is it true that during your journey to the USA upcoming June, you will visit the Bilderberger conference?
2. Will more members of the government attend the conference? If so, who? Will the queen also be there again?
3. What is the topic of the conference and what will be your contribution? Does the queen also have an active participation to the gathering? If so, which one?
4. Can you reveal policy-targets for the conference and are you willing to send a report to the Parliament, wherein you reveal what the Netherlands have achieved? If not, why not?
5. When the conference is closed again, can you reveal in which way the Parliament can practice parliamental scrutiny on a gathering wherein prominent members of government and perhaps even the head of state participate?
1. "Bilderberg Confirmed: Westfield Marriot in Chantilly June 5-8" (
2. See attachment 1945 Re-Print, gathering year 2005-2006 (Questions by Harry van Bommel about the queen's visit to Bilderberger conference July 26, 2006)
Again, from the website of Harry van Bommel, and translated by the Babylon Observer, the attachment mentioned in the previous quote.
- 1. Is it true that the queen attended the Bilderberger conference that took place last June in Ottawa, Canada? (1)
2. Under whose responsibility do remarks and actions over there by the queen take place?
3. Are you willing to report to Parliament what has been said at this conference? Are you willing to clarify your answer if necessary?
Source: (1) CTV website:, 9 juni 2006
Answer by minister Bot (Foreign Affairs), also in name of the prime minister, minister of general affairs (received August 15, 2006)
Yes. Her Majesty the Queen is used to attend these annual conferences. In attachment 1 you find a press release by the conference in question wherein also the topics and participants are listed. This press release is also sent to the ANP (Dutch Press Agency, BO)
Participation of the Queen in the Bilderberg conferences fall under the joint responsibility of the prime minister and the minister of Foreign Affairs.
No. This is a closed conference. For the rest see my answer to question 1.
1) Deposited to the Central Information Point of Parliament
Thanks to the power of the Internet and the many websites that use their webspaces to provide and forward the information that we really just have a right to have anyway, governments of the world are forced to at least admit what it is they are doing.
When a member of any government, or heads of states like the Dutch queen, acts under responsibility of their prime minister, but it is not public what they do and speak about, we have a serious violation of democratic rights.
But then, we know, democracy in itself is -like all these other forms of states such as the republic or the monarchy- just another illusion in the world of George Orwell's 1984, where Big Brother Is Watching You and most of all: takes care of us without us knowing...
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