Dubroom Online - Edition July 24-31, 2008
WWW, July 24 2008 - In order to see just how we can step out of Babylon, Christianity is (one of) the best example(s). And, just like the word "Babylon", there's a lot to be discovered in the name of the group that was started by Jesus Christ: the Church.
Is the Church a building with a phallic symbol called steeple and basically a brainwash institution to make you a mental slave of the Shitstem?
Or is the Church a group of people who are called "Ecclesia" ("Church") or "the called out ones"?
It completely depends on who you believe to speak the truth. Babylon will tell you to visit the building, join the organization and start serving the shitstem.
Jesus Christ, however, will tell you to Step Out Of Babylon. He even defines His group as "Those Who Are Called To Step Out Of Babylon".
When Christians are confronted with this, you will see the Mystery at work. You will see, just how difficult it can be for the initiated to even see themselves for who they are.
More on August 1...
One Love, Give Thanks,
Messian Dread (Dubroom Webmaster)
PS: It's summer time, and mysteriously I am led into the studio where I am making riddims and Dubs for release later this year, next month or so. This is the reason why the Dubroom isn't updated frequently.
The above column is the personal opinnion of the Webmaster and does not neccesarily reflect the contents of the Dubroom Website and/or Message Boards.

WWW, July 24 2008 - Uploaded today: "Only A Fool" and "Judgement Coming Pon Dem" are two titles from the Messian Dread album "Showcase".
Download the tunes exclusively from the ReggaeDubwise.com website!

WWW, July 24 2008 - The Dubroom isn't update daily in this time. But that doesn't mean there's nothing going on!
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