WWW, January 2009 - He's not "just" releasing one crucial album after the other, the Mad Professor is also continually touring the world with some DUB show. In this video, we see him as he visits Tel Aviv and gives an interview to reggae.co.il
Where did Neil Fraser get his name "Mad Professor" from? He's explaining it in the start on the almost 5 minutes long video. It didn't come when he built his Ariwa studio...
His many travels as well as the fact he's worked with a list of artists that is just too long to mention, obviously keep teaching him a lot of things. He mentions some of them, specifically he talks about his time with Lee Perry, which dates back to the mid 1980's.
Unfortunately, there are some glitches in the sound as the microphone doesn't really seem to work as it should. However, everything is pretty well understandable and just too good to not at least watch one time, when you're into getting to know one of the best DUB Producers the music has ever known!
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