WWW, February 19 2015 - There I was, just a
couple of days before what would be my first live performance in this year, just
a couple of days after an initial positive outlook and update
I wrote about this 2015. There I was, in an ambulance on my way to the hospital
where I found out I would have to undergo a life-saving surgery in yet another
hospital. After three weeks of absence, I returned home yesterday and wrote the
following report.
It's a lesson which I never seem to learn:
writing updates, sharing plans, finding out that things went different. You
could do a research project analyzing updates and factual progress on this
website. No difference about that when it comes to this report. This time,
though, it's truly serious. Yesterday I arrived back home in a taxi after a
three week absence and with the prospect of five weeks of recovery and an even
longer revalidation process. Yes, indeed: a medical situation. A serious medical
situation which -without intervention- would have caused my physical death. The
direct reason I'm still here is the fact Jah used some magnificent surgeon and
staff, intensive care personnel and a whole lot more medical people to keep this
body alive.
In short: I'm out of the hospital, my body is
recovering from surgery and situation. I'm unable to do most things I'm used to
do, stuff like lifting things and working hours and hours in a row. I've got
some serious fractures and wounds that need healing before they will turn into
scars during the next weeks and only after that initial recovery will I have to
go through a rather intense revalidation process. Yes, it's rather serious even
though I'm not in any direct life danger anymore and with some adjustments I
can, to quote the surgeon under whose knife I was for many hours, "get
At this moment, I can spend some time writing
and I'll have to take short walks, but not too much. I get physically tired
quite easy, can't do simple things like lifting a thing and even sleeping at
night isn't giving the comfort it should give. I'm taking paracetamol
4 times a day to keep the worst pains away which is working wonders. Fortunately
I'm a reluctant medicine taker so my body does respond very well whenever I do
take a painkiller or whatever.
Exactly a week ago my wife got a phone call
from the surgeon, that everything went well and I would soon wake up in the
Intensive Care unit in the hospital, surrounded by all kinds of tubes and
drains. During the surgery several vital organs went off-line and a machine kept
me alive. Quite serious, especially when you're -like me- not used to all these
things first hand. I only had a few medical situations in my life and they were
all in the previous century. A broken arm, stuff like that.
In the two weeks before I could undergo the
surgery, I was in the local hospital where I got the best care I could possibly
get. The first week was one full of uncertainty, full of friends and family
visiting and encouraging me with moral and practical support. In the second,
things worsened and the seriousness of my condition became painfully clear. I
had to focus on keeping my body alive and only my wife and father could visit
me. I had to reserve every milligram of my mental strength to maintain my own
condition, something completely new to me. In the same time I had to accept that
I was taken care of, for that very same reason. This was all to keep my body
from passing away...
At February 11 I was driven to a larger
hospital where I spent the night, woke up at 6 am the next day and went
"under the knife" about 90 minutes later. Some 24+ hours further on I
was taken from the Intensive Care unit and was driven back to my hometown by
ambulance the next Monday, February 16. Jah had blessed me with a
quicker-than-average recovery and so I was released yesterday, February 18.
All of this leaves me in this current
situation. Truly a time wherein the words "He Maketh Me To Lay Down"
translate directly to my current condition, especially where it relates to this
work on the Dubroom and "Planet Reggae". I still have to give most of
my strength and energy to recovering. I know what I have to do, I have a very
strong support base and some of the best and finest medical people to assist me
in this process. This is a process, a project in which my body has to get fit so
that my soul and spirit can do the things I'm supposed to do.
I'm not afraid for physical death. I've seen
death in the face before. In fact, I know for a fact that the only reason I am
not with Him in Zion already is because He wants to use me in this physical
realm. For what, I don't know. That's not my business. It is my business to keep
this body alive in every way possible. This rest and blessing is my drive to
stay alive, not the fear of death itself. I wish
that very same rest and blessing to you too, whoever you are and in whatever
situation you are.
Let me conclude this little report by saying
that I do not have any plans other than to do what I can when I can. There is
always a lot to do, but I haven't got any idea when I'll be working on what.
After all, when my body isn't able to function there's very little I can do
One Love,
Messian Dread